Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Final Impressions
This class was an enjoyable experice because my relationship with nature and the environment has been lacking as of late. I learned alot about sustainability and how important it really is. All of the field trips were fun and educative and forced me to get off my butt and connect with the outdoors a little more than normal.
Changes to the course:
The only thing I felt wasnt needed in the course was having to reply so many times to other students posts on the discussion boards. Maybe one reply at most but 4 or 5 felt time consuming and useless.
I really enjoyed reading A Land Remembered because it was a great story about a family growing up in a place I am very familar with and all the trials tribulations they went through to survive. Also it was interesting to learn about the MacIvey's family connection with nature and all the good things they did to help sustain their environment.
I felt all the field trips I went on were great for this class. Each one helped me understand what I was learning in the class better since I was able to go outdoors and see everything first hand which was very educational.
Sense of Place Interview
In regards to his upbringing differing from mine he said, "When I was growing up we didnt have the technolgy you have today and that we had to get off our butts and do everything ourselves. We were much more involved with the outdoors because thats all we had. Your generation doesnt appreciate what the world has to offer and should."
When I told him of this class I was taking at FGCU he responded,"That seems like a interesting class and you should take full advantage of what it has to offer because understanding the environment is a great tool to have."
Monday, July 12, 2010
Field Trip # 5: Downtown Fort Myers and Historical Museum
- Centenial Park
- City of Palms Park
The old county court house
Changing Role of Downt town: The olf downtown of Fort Myers used to be a place where families could go shopping and find social activities to explore. Today, dowtown has changed greatly overtime. With so many shopping malls around now, downtown businesses have fled and their really isn't much of anything to do dowtown other than eat and drink. They have started rebuilding the downtown area to look a lot better and hopefully attract more people.
Sustainability in an urban environment: In Fort Myers, the downtown area are trying new things to become more sustainable. It involves building our human needs while planning sustainably. Downtown wants to embrace the community and become a place where everyone can be regardless of race or income. This will involve the making of affordable housing, walkable retail districts, and state of the art cultural facilities such as art centers and museums.
It was nice to go downtown and look at all the historic buidings Fort Myers has to offer that I havent seen for a while, it was refreshing and fun. The museum was okay, they had some neat displays of Downtown Fort Myers that I hadn't seen and gave me a little history lesson on my Home town. Downtown needs to offer better and more affordable restaurants, upscale night life, and more social type events to bring the community together more. I feel with some improvements that are being made now downtown Fort Myers could be a very nice tourist attraction one day that everyone living here can be proud of.
Field Trip #4: Agricultural Area - ECHO
- Biofuel
- Compost
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Hunger solutions
- Water safety and Water quality
- Irragation Techniques
This was a fun experience. I was able to learn alot about plants and farming and what it takes sustain your garden. My experience growing plants is very limited, I have planted plants that are already been grown but in recent memory havent actually grown my own plants. If I needed to grow my own food im sure I could manage to do it but it wouldnt be easy thats for sure. Farmers have a very tough job growing all these plants and taking care of them.
Field Trip #3: Estero Island Historic Cottage and Matanzas Pass Preserve
- A partially enclosed shallow bay area
- Freshwater
- Barrier Islands
- Mangroves
- Providing a nursurey ground for fish and shell fish
- Stabalizing shorelines
- Protecting inland ares for storm surges
- have a high rate of carbon sequestration
Conservation 20/20: This is the Lee County land aquisistion program started by a group of concerned citizens who lobbied the county commissioners to set aside funds to purchase land for conservation. Each property owner in Lee County pays a small amound of money out of there property taxes which goes to the Conservation 20/20 program. Some of what you see at Matanzas pass was purchased through this program. I personally have never heard of this program before now and think it is a great idea because you are taking out such a small portion of your money and are making a big impact on land preservation.
This field trip was okay. Basically all there was were a bunch of mangroves and a boardwalk. The mangroves hovering over the boardwalk was pretty cool but other than that this was nothing new to me since I am from here.Field Trip #2: Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
The Bald Cypress is everywhere at the Corkscrew Santuary. These trees are very tall and were amazing to look up at. There are around 700 acres of these trees and can grow up to 1
Sustainability: The board walk at the Sactuary is very long and weaves in and out of t
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Importance of Watersheds and Wetlands
-Wetlands are important because they keep nature alive. Plants, trees, and soil need wetlands to survive and flourish in nature.