Monday, July 12, 2010

Field Trip #3: Estero Island Historic Cottage and Matanzas Pass Preserve

Estuary and Barrier Island Enviroment: An estuary is an area where the salt water of the seas and the fresh water of the rivers and streams meet and mix. Barrier Islands are narrow strips of sand that parrallel the mainland coast. Estuaries are very important to the economy because they serve as nursuries for fish and shellfifh and as rookeries for wading birds. Some of the main species you will find in an estuary are worms, oyster, mussels, barnicles, shrimp, mullet, and blue crabs.

Characteristics of and Estuary

  • A partially enclosed shallow bay area

  • Freshwater

  • Barrier Islands

  • Mangroves

Mangroves: There are three different types of mangroves in Florida- Red, White, and Black mangroves. They are collectively bunched together because of their ability to thrive in saltwater but can also grow in freshwater. The mangroves at the preserver were all bunched up together and over hung some of the boardwalk which was pretty cool to see and experience.

Mangroves role in the Ecososystem

  • Providing a nursurey ground for fish and shell fish

  • Stabalizing shorelines

  • Protecting inland ares for storm surges

  • have a high rate of carbon sequestration

Main Species at Matanzas Pass: The main species that you will see at the pass are native and exotic species. The native species are plant and animals that are from a particular area as exotix species are plant and animals that are new to the area or have arrived by accident.

Conservation 20/20: This is the Lee County land aquisistion program started by a group of concerned citizens who lobbied the county commissioners to set aside funds to purchase land for conservation. Each property owner in Lee County pays a small amound of money out of there property taxes which goes to the Conservation 20/20 program. Some of what you see at Matanzas pass was purchased through this program. I personally have never heard of this program before now and think it is a great idea because you are taking out such a small portion of your money and are making a big impact on land preservation.

This field trip was okay. Basically all there was were a bunch of mangroves and a boardwalk. The mangroves hovering over the boardwalk was pretty cool but other than that this was nothing new to me since I am from here.

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